Friday, February 7, 2014

Public Speaking at FogCon

I am honored to be on a panel at the upcoming FogCon!

I will be on the "THe Love That Dares Not Speak Its Name Says 'Hi!' panel which will focus on LGBT characters in genre fiction as well as LGBT authors... and I hope a discussion of the roles and responsibilities of each in terms of fiction as the mirror for society as well as the gentle prod towards progress.

Or something along those lines.

As an out "B" (bisexual) member of the LGBT Community and as an author who was written both straight and non-straight characters, I hope I can bring something to the table. (shameless plug, buy my book)

I'm pretty excited. Besides my Cultural Competency Panel participation with GCV, I haven't done a panel for a while.

(Here is a write up I did for another LGBT themed panel I did a few years back.)

Anyway, if you are going to FogCon, please attend my panel. If you aren't going to FogCon, why not?

And yes, I will probably be pretty twitter happy that weekend, so stay tuned for that!

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